About Me

The Playlist Queen


I’m Nancee, a 35-year-old girl with a huge passion for music. Ever since I can remember, music has captivated me. As a toddler I would sing Simon & Garfunkel songs with my mom. At age five I started taking piano lessons. In the third grade I started a Madonna club. I began figuring out that the music I chose had the power to change my emotions. Artists like Nirvana, Tori Amos, and Sarah Slean helped me to survive my formative years.

By graduation, I was accepted into the School of Music at Florida State University. I met my husband while attending Florida State. I never thought I would meet another soul who could switch nonchalantly between country, rap, heavy metal, and techno (that’s what it was called before EDM). When he took me to South Beach Miami and we crossed Ocean Drive singing a line from Pantera together, I knew he was the one. Well, at least that was one of the reasons I knew.

Although my college path took a curve and led me to nursing instead, my ear for music has never rested. I am always listening to identify the unique subjective experience that a song creates. People usually decide whether they like a particular song when it is being played, but I decide when I would like that song played again. I mentally save songs into a soundtrack for the right moment in our lives.

My days of burning CDs for certain occasions have evolved into making playlists. The beautiful thing about playlists is that you never have to worry about being interrupted by a song that is inappropriate for the person, place, or time. The right playlist has the power to change your mood, enhance your fun, get you motivated, and even cry happy tears. I decided to start this blog to inspire others in building their own personal playlists- ones that are meaningful to them.
